Go Beyond Self – Go Through Yourself
I have long tried to put into words something that cannot truly be encapsulated in words. However, today’s performance of “The Light at the End of the World” gave me the inspiration to do so. I bow in reverence to the creation of the whole team and give thanks for the journey this performance took me on.
First Realization
There has never been a battle between light and darkness, as I have read and heard over time. For some reason, we have imagined a conflict between light and darkness, but such a battle in fact doesn’t exist! In fairytales and other stories (including our own life stories), we have often seen opposition between good and evil, light and dark, right and wrong. But this struggle is merely our desire to separate and tear apart the oneness of existence. Conflict, at its core, is a refusal to accept one another, as if one is better or more righteous than the other. Yet there are no winners or losers! On reaching a different level of consciousness, it becomes clear that there is simply communication between light and darkness. Humans, however, struggle to acknowledge this communication, as it would mean taking responsibility.
Second Realization
The end of one world and the birth of another has been occurring within our levels of consciousness for quite some time. How each person experiences this varies greatly.
The light we see at the end of the world—that is us. It is not something separate from us or external. It is our return to our essence and authenticity. Humanity’s greatest suffering today stems from separating itself from the whole. When we descend deeply into this level of consciousness and both see and experience it, it is truly profound! Around us, there are people who have chosen paths different from ours. Neither path nor choice is right or wrong, better or worse. Whenever we pass such judgments, we again separate ourselves from the whole. However, accepting the whole is an immense step forward, beyond one’s personal narrative. Thus, the transition between worlds is nothing more than moving between levels of consciousness, offering the chance to reunite with the whole after separation—each of us in our own way.
Third Realization
Those who have glimpsed their ancient wisdom and trusted its awakening within themselves understand this: if you are the light, your task is not to bring light into the darkness. Moreover, darkness does not want to destroy light. Darkness can never destroy light. Even when our inner light dims, a spark always remains, glowing somewhere. This spark can be reignited at any time by another light, which can share its flame—its light. It can share its love and care unconditionally. Or perhaps with the condition that the spark is brave enough to grow again. However, light can destroy darkness. Yet, darkness is necessary—for entirely different processes, such as healing and renewal, take place in darkness! Let us not allow our light to smother darkness in this world! Let us preserve the darkness in a way that does not violently illuminate every shadowy corner. Let us respect the darkness as much as the light!
Fourth Realization
The birth of oneself—deep inner transformation—is the most profoundly challenging process of all. If birth occurs through pain, the emergence of the new can get stuck in the birth canal, often preventing us from experiencing the full potential of new life. Yet birth is also the most beautiful process, for it involves letting go of the old and dead with gratitude and welcoming the new and unknown. Nature, or the universe, encompasses the full spectrum of life: birth, growth, life, chaos, and death. In new life, all of this is visible in every moment. And all of it is sacred!
Fifth Realization
The origin of light is sorrow.
The origin of darkness is anger.
We often notice that behind light and joy lies a background of sorrow. This is not a feeling or emotion but an essence. And in darkness, where fear, uncertainty, and separation often reside, the fundamental essence is anger.
These cannot be destroyed or transformed into something more comfortable or familiar. They must simply be recognized and accepted. Everything that follows is already magic!
Sixth Realization
As humans, we constantly try to protect our children from malice, cruelty, and destruction. We believe they shouldn’t or don’t need to encounter darkness and suffering. But the children of this new era and new world are born to see and comprehend the many shades of the whole. Only then will they learn to accept it fully and communicate with it. They will build bridges between the differences of the whole without war or conflict.
Let us allow light and darkness to communicate.
Let us reconnect ever more deeply with the whole, for then suffering will disappear.
Let us awaken to a level of consciousness that neither frightens nor suffocates us, and let us allow all forms of life in this world to do the same.
Let us see light and darkness as a sacred union within the whole, being co-creators of it.
Let us surrender and relax with the knowledge and trust that Life, Death, and all that comes with them are greater than humans and SACRED!
Go Beyond Self
(World premiere at the Estonian National Opera, November 29, 2024)